In vb, there is this loop:
Dim uA as Integer
For uA = 0 to 5
Next uA
' Print:
' 0,1,2,3,4,5
There could also be this form:
Dim uA as Integer
For uA = 0 Until 5
Console.WriteLine(uA + ",")
Next uA
' Print:
' 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
Notice the difference between “to” and “until”.
“To” is inclusive, “Until” is exclusive.
For uA = 0 Until 5
Next uA
It’s similar to construction in C#:
for(uA = 0; uA < 5; uA++) {}
For me, the construction with Until is more readable than the form below in VB:
Dim limit as Integer
Dim uA as Integer
For uA = 1 to limit - 1
Next uA
With ‘Until’, it becomes less verbose:
For uA = 1 Until limit
On MonkeyX, Monkey2 and CerberusX, what are language based on Basic, this construction exist.