[Mercury Feature request] implement IObservable and IObserver.like events

Another one in the same line - IObservable and IObserver.

The current way of implanting this: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.iobservable-1?view=netframework-4.8 and https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.iobserver-1?view=netframework-4.8

The easy VB syntax would then be:

Public Observable Class MyClass
    'The OnNext, OnError and OnCompleted are available immediately and can be used anywhere.
    'Data type for OnNext is Dynamic
End Class

 'The observing On Next Sub:
Public Sub MyObserver(sender As Object, value as Dynamic) Observes MyClass.OnNext
    'Sender has the instance that is being observed
    'Value has the next value
End Sub

'The observing On Error Sub:
Public Sub MyObserver(sender As Object, ex As Exception) Observes MyClass.OnError
     'Sender has the instance that is being observed
     'ex has the occurred exception
End Sub

'The observing On Completed Sub:
Public Sub MyObserver(sender As Object) Observes MyClass.OnCompleted
     'Sender has the instance that is being observed
End Sub

So again, a syntax just like WithEvents and Handles.